
Markdown Editor

We will use 'Typora' as the offline Markdown editor.

Also, you can use NOTION app

What is Markdown?

Markdown is a way to style text on the web. You control the display of the document; formatting words as bold or italic, adding images, and creating lists are just a few of the things we can do with Markdown. Mostly, Markdown is just regular text with a few non-alphabetic characters thrown in, like # or *.

You can use Markdown most places around GitHub:

  • Comments in Issues and Pull Requests

  • Files with the .md or .markdown extension:

Syntax guide

Here’s an overview of Markdown syntax that you can use anywhere on or in your own text files.


# This is an <h1> tag
## This is an <h2> tag
###### This is an <h6> tag


*This text will be italic*
_This will also be italic_

**This text will be bold**
__This will also be bold__

_You **can** combine them_

Unordered List

* Item 1
* Item 2
  * Item 2a
  * Item 2b

Ordered List

1. Item 1
1. Item 2
1. Item 3
   1. Item 3a
   1. Item 3b


Format: ![Alt Text](url)

![GitHub Logo](/images/logo.png)
![Image of Yaktocat]( - automatic!


As Kanye West said:

> We're living the future so
> the present is our past.

Inline code

I think you should use an
`<addr>` element here instead.

Block code

function fancyAlert(arg) {
  if(arg) {

int main()
 return 0;


There are many different ways to style code with GitHub's markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: `var example = true`.  If you've got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:

    if (isAwesome){
      return true

GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

And if you'd like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

There are many different ways to style code with GitHub’s markdown. If you have inline code blocks, wrap them in backticks: var example = true. If you’ve got a longer block of code, you can indent with four spaces:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

GitHub also supports something called code fencing, which allows for multiple lines without indentation:

if (isAwesome){
  return true

And if you’d like to use syntax highlighting, include the language:

if (isAwesome){
  return true


Last updated

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