In this LAB, we start a project that tells us how to correct our posture in real time when we exercise at the gym. This program is basically limited to the "lat-pull-down" movement. These days, as interest in health increases due to COVID-19, interest in health increases, and people who exercise alone also increase. However, if we exercise alone, it is difficult to recognize whether you are exercising in an accurate posture, and as a result, a problem that is prone to muscle imbalance is found. To solve this problem, we try to create system that identifies each joint of a person and measures the balance according to both slopes of the upper body joint to give feedback on the balance between the two forces. The tutorial is run by visual studio code(VS code), loading web cam or video source, and processing images in real time using OpenCV.
II. Requirement
Logitech C922 pro Webcam
Lat Pull Down Machine
Python 3.9.12
Tensorflow 2.9.1
numpy 1.21.5
OpenCV 4.5.5
III. Flow Chart
IV. Procedure
1. Setup
First, installation is carried out using Anaconda Prompt to build the environment. It is important to install something suitable for each version using anaconda to build it to enable image processing.
2. Installation
2-1. Install Anaconda
Anaconda : Python and libraries package installer.
Download MoveNet model: TFLite model link(Must download in local folder (include
4. library you need
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import cv2 as cv
from cv2 import *
from cv2.cv2 import *
from tkinter import *
5. Global Variable
5-1. Main Variable
Definition Body Parts: The output of the deep learning model we use is location information for 17 joints. The position of each joint has an order. The order is as follows.
[ nose, left eye, right eye, left ear, right ear, left shoulder, right shoulder, left elbow, right elbow, left wrist, right wrist, left hip, right hip, left knee, right knee, left ankle, right ankle ]
Since we use the positions of the shoulders, elbows, and wrists on both sides in this application, we defined them as follows.
Definition of body edges: Each joint is tied together to draw a skeleton model.
CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD: Acceptable confidence for each joint position
START_COUNT_THRESH: Define the minimum number of frames for the correct posture
User input: This is a definition for setting the number of user's target exercise in the system.
system_Flag: It is a flag that controls the start of processing.
start_Flag: It is a flag that controls the start of processing for counting the number of workouts.
finish_Flag: It is a flag indicating that the exercise is over.
tk_Flag: It is a flag that determines whether or not to receive new input from the user.
up_down_Flag: It is a flag necessary to count the exercise.
For counting: Definitions for the number of good and bad exercises, stack calculations, average values, conditions for starting an exercise, and frame values.
For Balance: Definitions for the balance value, the minimum balance value, and the maximum balance value.
# Global Variable #
# Color Definition (BGR)
WHITE = (255, 255, 255)
RED = ( 0, 0, 255)
GREEN = ( 0, 255, 0)
PINK = (184, 53, 255)
YELLOW = ( 0, 255, 255)
BLUE = (255, 0, 0)
BLACK = ( 0, 0, 0)
PURPLE = (255, 102, 102)
# Font Definition
fontScale = 1
fontThickness = 2
# Definition Body Parts
# Definition of body edges
# Thresholding
CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD = 0.2 # For minimum confidence of output
START_THRESHOLD = 0.3 # For value of good pose
START_COUNT_THRESH = 30 # For start counting
# User input
inputCount = 11 # For user input
# Flag
system_Flag = False # For start system
start_Flag = False # For start counting process
finish_Flag = False # For finish workout
tk_Flag = False # For new user input
up_down_Flag = [False, False, False, False] # 0: down_Flag, 1: up_Flag, 2: left_down_Flag, 3: right_down_Flag
# For counting
counting_List = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0.0, 0.0, 0] # 0: Good count, 1: bad count, 2: left_E_ystack, 3: right_E_ystack, 4: left_E_avg, 5: right_E_avg 6: count_frame
start_Count = 0 # For starting setting
# 0:set Count, 1: startCount, 2: userSet
offset_Text = ""
# For Balance
balance_List = [0.0, 10.0, 0.0] # 0: balance, 1: good, 2: bad
# Frame count
frame_Num = 0 # for processing
position_FrameList = [0, 0] # 0: worst / 1: Best
# Video naming
Video = "DEMO.mp4"
6. Definition Function
6-1. Processing
Get position of 17 each joint
Since the position of the joint obtained from the model is relative to the frame, the frame is entered as an input to the function, and the keypoint that has information about the joint points and the minimum confidence are input. As output, 'shape' with the positions of all joints for the frame and 'posebuf' with position information for joints exceeding the minimum confidence can be obtained.
If the value obtained by subtracting the calculated slopes between the shoulder and wrist joints is within the allowable range for a certain frame, a text indicating that the user is in the correct posture is given and start_Flag is turned on (start_Flag = True). Otherwise, feedback text about the posture is given.
# Get Start Flag and start_count for counting, offset_Text and gage bar
def Start_Postion_Adjustment(_frame, _poseBuf, _startCount, _startFlag, _offsetText):
if _startCount >= START_COUNT_THRESH:
_startFlag = True
if _startFlag == False:
if len(_poseBuf) == CORRECT_RECOGNIGION:
# print(pose_Buf)
for i in range(len(_poseBuf)):
if _poseBuf[i][0][0] == LEFT_SHOULDER:
x1_left = _poseBuf[i][0][1]
y1_left = _poseBuf[i][0][2]
elif _poseBuf[i][1][0] == LEFT_WRIST:
x2_left = _poseBuf[i][1][1]
y2_left = _poseBuf[i][1][2]
elif _poseBuf[i][0][0] == RIGHT_SHOULDER:
x1_right = _poseBuf[i][0][1]
y1_right = _poseBuf[i][0][2]
elif _poseBuf[i][1][0] == RIGHT_WRIST:
x2_right = _poseBuf[i][1][1]
y2_right = _poseBuf[i][1][2]
slope_left = abs(round(float((y2_left-y1_left)/(x2_left-x1_left+0.000001)), 3))
slope_right = abs(round(float((y2_right-y1_right)/(x2_right-x1_right+0.000001)), 3))
slope_offset = abs(slope_left - slope_right)
# Counting
if y1_left / y2_left > 1.5 and y1_right / y2_right > 1.5:
# _skeletoneFlag = True
if slope_offset < START_THRESHOLD:
_startCount += 1
_offsetText = "Collect Position! Stop it"
elif slope_offset >= START_THRESHOLD:
if slope_right > slope_left:
_offsetText = "Move your hands to the RIGHT"
elif slope_right < slope_left:
_offsetText = "Move your hands to the LEFT"
_startCount = 0
if _startCount !=0:
cv.rectangle(_frame, (100, 60), (100+13*_startCount, 90), GREEN, -1)
cv.rectangle(_frame, (100, 60), (100+13*30, 90), BLACK, 3)
return _startFlag, _startCount, _offsetText
Calculate balance
The balance is calculated using the relative proportions of the positions of both wrists.
def Calculate_Balance(_shaped, _balance):
Left_w_y = 0.0
Right_w_y = 0.0
Left_w_y, _, Left_w_c = _shaped[9] # Left wrist
Right_w_y, _, Right_w_c = _shaped[10] # Right wrist
# Valance > 0 : left wrist under the right wrist
# Valance < 0 : right wrist under the left wrist
if(Left_w_y != 0) & (Right_w_y != 0) & (Left_w_c > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD) & (Right_w_c > CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD):
_balance = Left_w_y/Right_w_y - 1.0
return _balance
Count workout
Because there is a noise value, the positions of the elbows on both sides are accumulated for 10 frames each, and the flag is determined based on the average value.
The condition for counting is when one or both elbows go down below the shoulder and then rise again.
If both elbows go down and the balance value at that time is within the allowable range, the correct posture count is performed.
Otherwise, if one elbow goes down or both elbows go down but the balance value exceeds the allowable range, a bad posture count is counted.
Finally, when the correct posture count is equal to the target number of exercise, finish_Flag is turned on (finish_Flag = True).
# Count the workout number
def Count_Workout(_frame, _shaped, _inputCount, _finishFlag, _countList, _balanceList, _updownflag):
_countList[6] += 1
Left_E_y, _, _ = _shaped[7] # Left Elbow
Right_E_y, _, _ = _shaped[8] # Right Elbow
_countList[2] = _countList[2] + Left_E_y # left-Stack
_countList[3] = _countList[3] + Right_E_y # right-Stack
if _countList[6]%10 == 0:
_countList[6] = 0
_countList[4] = _countList[2]/10.0 # Left_E_avg
_countList[5] = _countList[3]/10.0 # Right_E_avg
_countList[2] = 0 # left-Stack initialize
_countList[3] = 0 # right-Stack initialize
# 0: down_Flag, 1: up_Flag, 2: left_down_Flag, 3: right_down_Flag, 4:left_up_Flag, 5: right_up_Flag
# up/down flag control
if _updownflag[0] == False: # 일단 내려갔다 라는 것에 대한 조건
if _updownflag[2] == False: # 왼쪽이 내려갔는지
if _countList[4]>shaped[LEFT_SHOULDER][0]:
_updownflag[2] = True
# Find Worst pose
if abs(_balanceList[0]) > abs(_balanceList[2]):
_balanceList[2] = _balanceList[0]
imwrite('WorstPose.jpg', _frame)
if _updownflag[3] == False: # 오른쪽이 내려갔는지
if _countList[5]>shaped[RIGHT_SHOULDER][0]:
_updownflag[3] = True
# Find Worst pose
if abs(_balanceList[0]) > abs(_balanceList[2]):
_balanceList[2] = _balanceList[0]
imwrite('WorstPose.jpg', _frame)
if _updownflag[2] == True and _updownflag[3] == True: # 둘다 내려갔는지
_updownflag[0] = True
# Find Worst pose
if abs(_balanceList[0]) < abs(_balanceList[1]):
_balanceList[1] = _balanceList[0]
imwrite('BestPose.jpg', _frame)
print("Two hand Down")
if _updownflag[0] == False:
if _updownflag[3] == True:
if _countList[5]<shaped[RIGHT_SHOULDER][0]:
_updownflag[3] = False
_updownflag[2] = False
if _updownflag[2] == True:
if _countList[4]<shaped[LEFT_SHOULDER][0]:
_updownflag[2] = False
_updownflag[3] = False
if _countList[5]<shaped[RIGHT_SHOULDER][0] and _countList[4]<shaped[LEFT_SHOULDER][0]:
if _balanceList[0] < -0.2 or _balanceList[0] > 0.2:
_updownflag[0] = False
_updownflag[2] = False
_updownflag[3] = False
# For finish Flage
if _countList[0] == _inputCount:
_finishFlag = True
return _finishFlag, _countList, _balanceList, _updownflag, _countList[6]
Reset all parameter
Reset all parameter when system Flag is off(value = False)
When starting for the first time, this is a code that allows you to input the number of target workouts.
# TKinter for USER Count
tk = Tk()
tk.title('Input Exercise Count')
def Input_Count():
global set_List
global inputCount
A = int(entry1.get())
inputCount = A
label1 = Label(tk, text='Input Count').grid(row=0, column=0)
entry1 = Entry(tk)
btn = Button(tk, text='Press Count', bg='black', fg='white', command=Input_Count).grid(row=1,column=0)
exit_button = Button(tk, text='Exit', bg='black', fg='white', command=tk.destroy).grid(row=1,column=1)
Open the Video & Recording Video Configuration
Open the video we using and do ready for recording
# cv.VideoCaputure(0) -> notebook cam
# cv.VideoCaputure(1) -> another cam connecting with my notebook
# cv.VideoCapture(filename.mp4) -> Video
cap = cv.VideoCapture("DEMO.mp4")
# Recording Video Configuration
w = round(cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH))
h = round(cap.get(CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT))
fps = cap.get(CAP_PROP_FPS)
fourcc = VideoWriter_fourcc(*'DIVX')
out = VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, fps, (w,h))
delay = round(1000/fps)
if (cap.isOpened() == False): # if there is no video we can open, print error
print("Not Open the VIDEO")
Start the system by while()
Processing is performed for each frame of the video using a while().
First, when the user wants to receive input again (press 'r' key -> tk_Falg = True), a section to receive input again was placed at the beginning of while().
And use the function (cv.getTickCount()) to get the time to measure the FPS.
Get a frame from video.
#================== While Loop =================#
while cap.isOpened():
# When you press the 'r' botton -> restart
if tk_Flag == True:
tk = Tk()
tk.title('Input Exercise Count')
label1 = Label(tk, text='Input Count').grid(row=0, column=0)
entry1 = Entry(tk)
btn = Button(tk, text='Press Count', bg='black', fg='white', command=Input_Count).grid(row=1,column=0)
exit_button = Button(tk, text='Exit', bg='black', fg='white', command=tk.destroy).grid(row=1,column=1)
tk_Flag = False
frame_Num += 1
# Start Window Time
startTime = cv.getTickCount()
# Video Read
ret, frame =
if ret == False:
print("Video End")
Resize the frame, Setup input detail and output detail, and Input to model and get output
Resized to fix frame size to 1080x1080.
Since the input size of the deep learning model we use is 192x192, we change the frame to 192x192 to put it as an input.
(Using resize_with_pad())
You need to know the information of the input tensor and the output tensor in order to transmit and receive data, so setup is done.
Input to model and get output
# Reshape image
frame = resize(frame, dsize = (1080, 1080), interpolation=INTER_LINEAR)
img = frame.copy()
img = tf.image.resize_with_pad(np.expand_dims(img, axis=0), 192, 192)
input_image = tf.cast(img, dtype=tf.float32)
#Setup input and Output
input_details = interpreter.get_input_details() # receive information of input tensor
output_details = interpreter.get_output_details() # receive information of output tensor
# input to model
interpreter.set_tensor(input_details[0]['index'], np.array(input_image))
# Get output to model
keypoints_with_scores = interpreter.get_tensor(output_details[0]['index'])
Main code
We bring about the joint information we want to use.
(Wrist, Elbow, and Shoulder)
To adjust the flag to start the system, adjust the flag depending on whether the elbow is above or below the shoulder position.
(flag off(system_Flag = False) if the elbow position is below the shoulder / flag off(system_Flag = True) if the elbow position is above the shoulder))
If the system flag is turned on (system_Flag == True), the finish flag is checked, and if it is off, the function to adjust the start flag is executed.
If the flag is turned on through the function (start_Flag == True), the balance is calculated and the exercise count starts.
Otherwise, the feedback on the starting posture adjustment is output as text.
When the exercise done with the correct posture is equal to the target number of exercises, the finish flag is turned on (finish_Flag == True).
When the finish flag is turned on, the system flag is turned on and the exercise result window appears.
# =================== START POINT =================== #
pose_Buf = []
pose_Buf, shaped = Get_Shape_PoseBuf(frame, keypoints_with_scores, EDGES, CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD)
if shaped[RIGHT_WRIST][0]>shaped[RIGHT_ELBOW][0] and shaped[LEFT_WRIST][0]>shaped[LEFT_ELBOW][0]: # 쉴 때의 조건
system_Flag = False
system_Flag = True
if system_Flag == True:
# Get Start Flag and start_count for counting, offset_Text
if finish_Flag == False:
start_Flag, start_Count, offset_Text = Start_Postion_Adjustment(frame, pose_Buf, start_Count, start_Flag, offset_Text)
if start_Flag == False:
show_Start_text(frame, offset_Text)
# draw skeleton
Draw_Connecting(frame, shaped, EDGES, CONFIDENCE_THRESHOLD)
# Start count processing
if start_Flag == True and finish_Flag == False:
balance_List[0] = Calculate_Balance(shaped, balance_List[0])
finish_Flag, counting_List, balance_List, up_down_Flag, counting_List[6] = Count_Workout(frame, shaped, inputCount, finish_Flag, counting_List, balance_List, up_down_Flag)
show_Text(frame, balance_List[0], counting_List[0], counting_List[1], finish_Flag)
# Finish Flag
elif finish_Flag == True:
show_Text(frame, balance_List[0], counting_List[0], counting_List[1], finish_Flag)
system_Flag = False
# Press Esc to Exit, Stop Video to 's'
k = cv.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
if k == 27:
elif k == ord('s'):
elif k == ord('r'):
tk_Flag = True
# Time Loop End
endTime = cv.getTickCount()
# FPS Calculate
FPS = round(getTickFrequency()/(endTime - startTime))
# FPS Text
FPS_Text = f"FPS: {FPS}"
putText(frame, FPS_Text, (0, 20), USER_FONT, 0.8, RED)
cv.imshow('MoveNet Lightning', frame)
resizeWindow('MoveNet Lightning', 1080, 1080)
if finish_Flag == False:
# Press Esc to Exit, Stop Video to 's'
k = cv.waitKey(5) & 0xFF
if k == 27:
elif k == ord('s'):
elif k == ord('r'):
tk_Flag = True
# Time Loop End
endTime = cv.getTickCount()
# FPS Calculate
FPS = round(getTickFrequency()/(endTime - startTime))
# FPS Text
FPS_Text = f"FPS: {FPS}"
putText(frame, FPS_Text, (0, 20), USER_FONT, 0.8, RED)
cv.imshow('MoveNet Lightning', frame)
# # Record Video
Bad Count
Bad Count
8. Show the result of workout
show the result(worst pose, best pose, good pose count, bed pose count, and all count)
# ============================================================================== #
# =============================== Final result report ========================== #
# ============================================================================== #
if finish_Flag == True: # When finish flag is on
# image stack
best_image = cv.imread('BestPose.jpg')
best_image = cv.resize(best_image, (0,0), None, .5, .5)
worst_image = cv.imread('WorstPose.jpg')
worst_image = cv.resize(worst_image, (0,0), None, .5, .5)
pose_result = np.vstack((best_image, worst_image))
result_paper = np.zeros_like(pose_result)
workout_result = np.hstack((result_paper, pose_result))
# Put text
# Make text for result image
TEXT_GOOD = f"Best Pose(Balance {abs(round(balance_List[1],3))})"
TEXT_BED = f"Worst Pose(Balance {abs(round(balance_List[2],3))})"
# Make text for result report
TEXT_RESULT1 = f"======================"
TEXT_RESULT = f"---------Result---------"
TEXT_RESULT2 = f"======================"
TEXT_GOOD_COUNT = f"Count about Good Pose = {counting_List[0]}"
TEXT_BED_COUNT = f"Count about Bed Pose = {counting_List[1]}"
TEXT_COUNT = f"Count about All Pose = {counting_List[0]+counting_List[1]}"
TEXT_RATIO = f"Performace ratio ="
# Parameter for position
Size_GOOD, _ = cv.getTextSize(TEXT_GOOD, USER_FONT, fontScale, fontThickness)
Size_BED, _ = cv.getTextSize(TEXT_BED, USER_FONT, fontScale, fontThickness)
width = best_image.shape[0] # best image width
height = best_image.shape[1] # best image height
x_GOOD = Size_GOOD[0]
y_GOOD = Size_GOOD[1]
x_BED = Size_BED[0]
y_BED = Size_BED[1]
# Draw ract and Put Text for image
cv.rectangle(workout_result, (width, 0), (width*2, y_GOOD+13), WHITE, -1)
cv.rectangle(workout_result, (width, height), (width*2, y_GOOD+height+13), WHITE, -1)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_BED, (width+int(width/2)-int(x_BED/2), y_GOOD+height+5), USER_FONT, fontScale, BLACK, fontThickness)
# Put Text for result report
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_RESULT1, (0, y_GOOD), USER_FONT, fontScale, RED, fontThickness)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_RESULT, (0, y_GOOD*2), USER_FONT, fontScale, RED, fontThickness)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_RESULT2, (0, y_GOOD*3), USER_FONT, fontScale, RED, fontThickness)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_COUNT, (0, y_GOOD*4), USER_FONT, fontScale, WHITE, fontThickness)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_GOOD_COUNT, (0, y_GOOD*6), USER_FONT, fontScale, WHITE, fontThickness)
cv.putText(workout_result, TEXT_BED_COUNT, (0, y_GOOD*8), USER_FONT, fontScale, WHITE, fontThickness)
cv.imshow('Final result of your workout', workout_result)
V. Result
1. Adjust Correct Starting Position
2. Exercising
3. Unbalance
4. Show Result
VI. Evaluation
Since we used the pre-trained model, we analyzed the algorithm we implemented, not the analysis of the model itself. The adjust correct starting position part and the experimenting part were largely divided and analyzed.
Adjust Correct Starting Position
For evaluation, another Lat-Pull Down machine tested "Adjust Correct Starting Position" 20 times per person and 40 times in total. In this case, Positive means Correct Position, and Negative means a state in which movement to right or left is required. Accordingly, the heat map is as follows, and based on this, Accuracy, Precision, and Recall are analyzed.
- Accuracy: 87.5%
- Precision: 94.1%
- Recall: 80.0%
Looking at the above results, Recall is lowered, which means that negative is frequently recognized (FN) when positive. In other words, it can be seen that the threshold value should be adjusted so that it can be clearly recognized as positive when it is positive.
Workout Counting
This time, an experiment on "Workout Counting" is conducted 20 times per person, 5 sets, and a total of 200 times. At this time, Positive means exercising in the right posture, and Negative means exercising in the wrong posture. The heat map accordingly is as follows, and based on this, Accuracy, Precision, and Recall are analyzed.
- Accuracy: 94.0%
- Precision: 89.3%
- Recall: 100.0%
Looking at the above results, the precision is lowered, which means that there are many cases (FP) that are perceived as positive when negative. In the experiment, a mirror is present and the precision is lowered due to the recognition of the person in the mirror. In other words, when using this program, it should be executed in an environment where there is nothing else that can be recognized as a person other than the surrounding me.