Activation Function

Activation Functions

Activation function or transfer function is used to determine the output of a neuron or node. It is a mathematical gate in between the input feeding the current neuron and its output going to the next layer.

In deep learning, we commonly use non-linear Activation Function include

  • Sigmoid: Output limit to [0 1]. But gives gradient vanishing problem, not used anymore

  • ReLU(rectified linear unit): most commonly used in CNN (hidden layers)

  • Others: Tanh, Leaky ReLU, Maxout...

Output Activation Function

These functions are transformations we apply to vectors coming out from CNNs ( s ) before the loss computation. [ reference ]


It squashes a vector in the range (0, 1). It is applied independently to each element of ss sisi. It’s also called logistic function.


Where sjsj are the scores inferred by the net for each class in CC. Note that the Softmax activation for a class sisi depends on all the scores in ss.

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