Tutorial: Create Github Repos of NP lib

This is a tutorial of how to create a git repository for your lecture project: numerical programming library, EC driver, documentation etc.


Part 0. Lecture Assignment/Project Folder

Create local directory for Project

We will create the main directory for NP (or EC) programs under


You can search for 'repos' in window menu

This is where your assignment projects should be located.

For Numerical Programming

  • Name the directory as "NumerialProg" or **** "NP".

For Embedded Controller

  • Name the directory as "EC".


  • C:\Users\yourID\source\repos\NumerialProg

  • C:\Users\yourID\source\repos\NumerialProg\Assignment

  • C:\Users\yourID\source\repos\NumerialProg\Tutorial

Part 1. Github Desktop Setup

We will create the main directory for Github Desktop under ~\source\repos\


Create Directory for GithubDeskop

Name the directory as 'GithubDesktop'. This is the root directory where your Github Repository will be located in your local drive.

  • C:\Users\yourID\source\repos\GithubDesktop

Part 2. Clone Class' Github repository on local drive

Clone repository 'NumericalProg-student'

After you login your github account, go to the NP class github site

Then, click Code>Open with Github Desktop

Then, it will launch the Desktop Program.

Clone in Local path : C:\Users\yourID\source\repos\GithubDesktop\NumericalProg-student

After cloning,view your repository in Explorer: Ctrl Shift F

Check all the files are located in the local drive.

Part 3. Create your Github repository

Create new repository : private

The repository should be PRIVATE to limit your source code access

For Numerical Programming(2021-2~)

  • Name the repository as "NumericalProg".

For Embedded Controller

  • Name the repository as "EmbedController".

For Numerical Method(~2021-1)

  • Name the repository as "tutorialNM.

Clone in Local drive

When you open the local repository in Explorer, It will be a blank directory.

Copy files in Local drive

Copy all folder and file from 'NumericalProg-student' to your repository in Explorer.

Commit and Publish in Github Server

On the Github desktop, you will see all the changes in repository. We will push these changes to the github server .

Write a comment " added files" then Press Commit to main

Then, Publish branch .

Go to your repository website Ctrl Shift G and check all the files are updated.


Tutorial: Creating Library Documentation with Markdown(md)

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