Tutorial: Repository Management

Overall Repository


EC-student (given)

Clone the repository "EC-student"


  • Open with Github Desktop.

  • Check "Local path" and Click "Clone".

  • Then, you can see the repository "EC-student" is copied in your local PC.

  • You can copy & paste some files for tutorial or lab.

Project repository

Create the project repository

  • Create a folder named as "EC" in "C:\users(user_name)\source\repos".

  • Create 3 folders named as "Tutorial", "LAB" and "lib" in "EC" folder.

    • Tutorial / LAB : includes the project files.

    • lib : includes header files.

Create a new project & Include library paths

  • Create a new folder in "LAB" or "Tutorial".

    • named as "LAB_(title)" or "TU_(title)"

  • Create a new project and set for embedded board. Tutorial: Create a project with uVision

  • Then, set "Include Paths" as "C:\users(user_name)\source\repos\EC\lib".

Github repository

Create a new repository

  • Create a new repository in Github.

    • Repository name : EC-(your initials)-(3 ends of student number)

  • You must choose Private.

  • Add a README file.

Clone github repository in local folder

  • Open with Github Desktop from github repository

  • Check "Local path", and click "clone".

Create folders

  • docs : documents for functions

  • include : includes header files

  • lab : includes report and source files

  • tutorial : includes source files

Commit & Push

  • Copy & paste only source files from your project directory.

  • Github Desktop shows changed things.

  • Commit : records the modified things.

  • Push to github


  • Click [Settings] - [Collaborators] - [Add people]

  • Search professor and TA id and add them as collaborator.

    • ykkimhgu

    • ckdals9150

Last updated