Tutorial: Repository Management
Overall Repository
1. EC workspace (Lab, Tutorial, Lib)
This is the local folder where you do your tutorial, lab.
Create the EC workspace:
Create a folder named as "EC" in "C:\users(user_name)\source\repos".
Create 3 folders named as "Tutorial", "LAB" and "lib" in "EC" folder.
Tutorial / LAB : includes the project files.
lib : includes header files.
Create a new project & Include library paths
Create a new folder in "LAB" or "Tutorial".
named as "LAB_(title)" or "TU_(title)"
Create a new project and set for embedded board. Tutorial: Create a project with uVision
Then, set "Include Paths" as "C:\users(user_name)\source\repos\EC\lib".
2. EC-student repository (provided source codes from EC github)
This is where you download or fetch the provided source codes used in EC lecture.
Clone the repository "EC-student"
Open with Github Desktop.
Check "Local path" and Click "Clone".
Then, you can see the repository "EC-student" is copied in your local PC.
You can copy & paste some files for tutorial or lab.
3. Your private github repository
This is for managing the version of your library and your source file. DO NOT include the project related files.
Create a new git repository
Create a new repository in Github.
Repository name : EC-(your initials)-(3 ends of student number)
You must choose Private.
Add a README file.
Clone github repository in local folder
Open with Github Desktop from github repository
Check "Local path", and click "clone".
Create folders
docs : documents for functions
include : includes header files
lab : includes report and source files
tutorial : includes source files
Commit & Push
Copy & paste only source files from your project directory.
Github Desktop shows changed things.
Commit : records the modified things.
Push to github
Click [Settings] - [Collaborators] - [Add people]
Search professor and TA id and add them as collaborator.
Last updated