LAB: Timer & PWM
Servo motor and DC motor
Date: 2023-10-19
Github: repository link
Demo Video: Youtube link
Create a simple program that control a sevo motor and a DC motor with PWM output.
You must submit
LAB Report (*.md & *.pdf)
Zip source files(main*.c, ecRCC.h, ecGPIO.h, ecSysTick.c etc...).
Only the source files. Do not submit project files
3 LEDs and load resistance
RC Servo Motor (SG90)
DC motor (5V)
DC motor driver(LS9110s)
Keil uVision, CMSIS, EC_HAL library
Tutorial: STM-Arduino
We are going to create a simple program that run DC - Motor by giving pwm signal as input.
Press the reset button(black) and verify the operation. If you press the user button, DC-Motor will turn on.
Create a new project under the directory
Open Arduino IDE and Create a new program named as βTU_arduino_PWM.inoβ.
Write the following code.
upload and run.
Tutorial: STM32F4xx
1. Tutorial: DC motor driver connection
Understand how to connect a DC motor to the motor driver (LS9110s).
Problem 1: RC servo motor
An RC servo motor is a tiny and light weight motor with high output power. It is used to control rotation angles, approximately 180 degrees (90 degrees in each direction) and commonly applied in RC car, and Small-scaled robots. The angle of the motor can be controlled by the pulse width (duty ratio) of PWM signal. The PWM period should be set at 20ms or 50Hz. Refer to the datasheet of the RC servo motor for detailed specifications.
1-1. Create HAL library
Download files:
Then, change the library files as
ecTIM.h, ecTIM.c
ecPWM.h, ecPWM.c
Declare and define the following functions in your library. You must update your header files located in the directory EC \lib\
Make a simple program that changes the angle of the RC servo motor that rotates back and forth from 0 deg to 180 degree within a given period of time.
Reset to '0' degree by pressing the push button (PC13).
Button input has to be an External Interrupt
Use Port A Pin 1 as PWM output pin for TIM2_CH2.
Use Timer interrupt of period 500msec.
Angle of RC servo motor should rotate from 0Β° to 180Β° and back 0Β° at a step of 10Β° at the rate of 500msec.
You need to observe how the PWM signal output is generated as the input button is pushed, using an oscilloscope. You need to capture the Oscilloscope output in the report.
Create a new project under the directory
The project name is βLAB_PWMβ.
Create a new source file named as βLAB_PWM_RCmotor.cβ
You MUST write your name on the source file inside the comment section.
2. Include your updated library in \repos\EC\lib\
to your project.
ecPinNames.h ecPinNames.c
ecGPIO.h, ecGPIO.c
ecRCC.h, ecRCC.c
ecEXTI.h, ecEXTI.c
ecTIM.h, ecTIM.c
ecPWM.h ecPWM.h
Connect the RC servo motor to MCU pin (PA1) , VCC and GND
Increase the angle of RC servo motor from 0Β° to 180Β° with a step of 10Β° every 500msec. After reaching 180Β°, decrease the angle back to 0Β°. Use timer interrupt IRQ.
When the button is pressed, it should reset to the angle 0Β° and start over. Use EXT interrupt.
Digital In (PC13)
AF (PA1)
Push-Pull, Pull-Up, Fast
PWM Timer
TIM2_CH2 (PA1)
TIM2 (PWM) period: 20msec, Duty ratio: 0.5~2.5msec
Timer Interrupt
TIM3: Timer Interrupt of 500 msec
Circuit Diagram
You need to include the circuit diagram
Derive a simple logic to calculate CRR and ARR values to generate x[Hz] and y[%] duty ratio of PWM. How can you read the values of input clock frequency and PSC?
Answer discussion questions
What is the smallest and highest PWM frequency that can be generated for Q1?
Answer discussion questions
Your code goes here: ADD Code LINK such as github
Explain your source code with necessary comments.
Example Code
Sample Code : Timer Interrupt IRQ
Sample Code : PWM output
Experiment images and results
Show experiment images /results
Add demo video link
Problem 2: DC motor
Make a simple program that rotates a DC motor that changes the duty ratio from 25% -->75%--> 25% --> and so on.
The rotating speed level changes every 2 seconds.
By pressing the push button (PC13), toggle from Running and stopping the DC motor
First, you MUST read Tutorial: DC motor driver connection
Use the same project.
Create a new source file named βLAB_PWM_DCmotor.cβ
You need to eliminate the other source file that contains
from the projecte.g. Eliminate "βLAB_PWM_RCmotor.cβ from the project
You MUST write your name on the source file inside the comment section.
Connect DC motor and DC motor driver.
PA_0 for the DC motor PWM
PC_2 for Direction Pin
Change DC motor from LOW Speed to HIGH Speed for every 2 seconds
e.g. 25% -->75%--> 25% --> and so on.
When Button is pressed, it should PAUSE or CONTINUE motor run
Digital In (PC13)
Direction Pin
Digital Out (PC2)
AF (PA0)
Push-Pull, Pull-Up, Fast
PWM Timer
TIM2_CH1 (PA0)
TIM2 (PWM) period: 1msec (1kHz)
Timer Interrupt
TIM3: Timer Interrupt of 500 msec
Circuit Diagram
You need to include the circuit diagram
Your code goes here: ADD Code LINK such as github
Explain your source code with necessary comments.
Experiment images and results
Show experiment images /results
Add demo video link
Complete list of all references used (github, blog, paper, etc)
1. motor PWM duty ratio for different DIR
When, DIR=0 duty=0.8--> PWM 0.8 // μ€μ λͺ¨ν°μ μ λ¬λλ pwm
Whe, DIR=1 duty=0.8--> PWM 0.2 // μ€μ λͺ¨ν°μ μ λ¬λλ PWM
*** a solution ***
2. Motor does not run under duty 0.5
SOL) Configure motor PWM period as 1kHz
3. Check and give different Interrupt Priority
Check if you have different NVIC priority number for each IRQs
(Option) You can write Troubleshooting section **
Last updated
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