LAB: GPIO Digital InOut 7-segment

LAB: GPIO Digital InOut 7-segment

Date: 2024-09-1


Github: repository link

Demo Video: Youtube link

PDF version:


In this lab, you are required to create a simple program to control a 7-segment display to show a decimal number (0~9) that increases by pressing a push-button.

You must submit

  • LAB Report (*.pdf)

  • Zip source files(LAB***.c, ecRCC2.h, ecGPIO2.h etc...).

    • Only the source files. Do not submit project files



  • MCU

    • NUCLEO-F411RE

  • Actuator/Sensor/Others:

    • 7-segment display(5101ASR)

    • Array resistor (330 ohm)

    • decoder chip(74LS47)

    • breadboard


  • Keil uVision, CMSIS, EC_HAL library


Fill in the table



Register setting

Port A Pin 5

Clear Pin5 mode

GPIOA->MODER &=~(3<<(5*2))

Port A Pin 5

Set Pin5 mode = Output

GPIOA->MODER |=____________

Port A Pin 6

Clear Pin6 mode

GPIOA->MODER &=~___________

Port A Pin 6

Set Pin6 mode = Output

GPIOA->MODER |=____________

Port A Pin Y

Clear PinY mode

GPIOA->MODER &=~___________

Port A Pin Y

Set PinY mode = Output

GPIOA->MODER |=____________

Port A Pin 5~9

Clear Pin5~9 mode

GPIOA->MODER &=~___________

Set Pin5~9 mode = Output

GPIOA->MODER |=____________

Port X Pin Y

Clear Pin Y mode

GPIOX->MODER &=~___________

Set Pin Y mode = Output

GPIOX->MODER |=____________

Port A Pin5

Set Pin5 otype=push-pull

GPIOA->OTYPER =____________

Port A PinY

Set PinY otype=push-pull

GPIOA-> OTYPER =____________

Port A Pin5

Set Pin5 ospeed=Fast

GPIOA->OSPEEDR =____________

Port A PinY

Set PinY ospeed=Fast

GPIOA-> OSPEEDR =____________

Port A Pin 5

Set Pin5 PUPD=no pullup/down

GPIOA->OTYPER =____________

Port A Pin Y

Set PinY PUPD=no pullup/down

GPIOA-> OTYPER =____________

Problem 0: Connection of 7-Segment Display and Decoder


Review 7-segment Decoder and Display from Digital Logic lecture.

1. 7-segment display connection

First, connect the common anode 7-segment display with the given array resistors.

Then, apply VCC and GND to the 7-segment display.

Check that all LEDs of 7-segment work properly

  • Give 'H' signal to each 7-segment pin of 'a'~'g' . Observe if that LED is turned ON or OFF

  • Example: Connect VCC to all 'a'~'g' pins

2. BCD 7-segment decoder connection

The popular BCD 7-segment decoder chip is 74LS47. With the BCD chip, you need only 4 DOUT pins of MCU to display from 0 to 9.

Connect the decoder chip (74LS47) on the bread board.

Then, Check that the decoder chip works properly

  • Supply a combination of VCC/GND to the pins of 'A'~'D' of the decoder.

  • Check if the 7-segment LED display shows the correct number

Connection Diagram

Circuit diagram

You need to include the circuit diagram in the report


  1. Draw the truth table for the BCD 7-segment decoder with the 4-bit input.

Answer discussion questions

** YOUR Truth-table  goes here**
  1. What are the common cathode and common anode of 7-segment display?

Answer discussion questions

  1. Does the LED of a 7-segment display (common anode) pin turn ON when 'HIGH' is given to the LED pin from the MCU?

Answer discussion questions

Problem 1: Display a Number with Button Press


  1. Create a new project under the directory \repos\EC\LAB\LAB_GPIO_7segment

  • The project name is “LAB_GPIO_7segment”.

  • Create a new source file named as “LAB_GPIO_7segment.c”

  • Refer to the sample code

    You MUST write your name on the source file inside the comment section.

  1. Include your updated library in \repos\EC\lib\ to your project.

  • ecGPIO.h, ecGPIO.c

  • ecRCC.h, ecRCC.c

  1. Declare and Define the following functions in your library

void sevensegment_display_init(PinNames_t pinNameA, PinNames_t pinNameB, PinNames_t pinNameC, PinNames_t pinNameD); 
void sevensegment_display(uint8_t  num);
  • num: 0 to 9 only (unsigned)

  1. Configure and connect the MCU to the circuit

  2. First, check that every number, 0 to 9, can be displayed properly

  3. Then, create a code that increase the displayed number from 0 to 9 with each button press.

    • After the number '9', it should start from '0' again.


Configure the MCU

Digital In for Button (B1)
Digital Out for 7-Segment

Digital In

Digital Out


PA7, PB6, PC7, PA9


Push-Pull, No Pull-up-Pull-down, Medium Speed


Sample Code.

#include "stm32f4xx.h"
#include "ecGPIO2.h"
#include "ecRCC2.h"

#define LED_PIN PA_5
#define BUTTON_PIN PC_13

void setup(void);
int main(void) { 
	// Initialiization --------------------------------------------------------
	unsigned int cnt = 0;
	// Inifinite Loop ----------------------------------------------------------
		sevensegment_display(cnt % 10);
		if(GPIO_read(BUTTON_PIN) == 0) cnt++; 
        if (cnt > 9) cnt = 0;
		for(int i = 0; i < 500000;i++){}  // delay_ms(500);

// Initialiization 
void setup(void)
	GPIO_init(BUTTON_PIN, INPUT);  // calls RCC_GPIOC_enable()
	sevensegment_display_init(PA_7, PB_6, PC_7, PA_9);  // Decoder input A,B,C,D

Your code goes here: ADD Code LINK such as github

Explain your source code with necessary comments.



Experiment images and results

Show experiment images /results

Add demo video link


Analyze the result and explain any other necessary discussion.

Problem 2: Program BCD-7-segment decoder

Instead of using the decoder chip, we are going to make the 7-segment decoder with the MCU programming.

Do not use the 7-segment decoder for this problem


  1. Use the same project and source file.

  2. Include your updated library in \repos\EC\lib\ to your project.

  • ecGPIO.h, ecGPIO.c

  • ecRCC.h, ecRCC.c

  1. Declare and Define the following functions in your library

void sevensegment_decoder_init(void); 
void sevensegment_decoder(uint8_t  num);
  • num: 0 to 9 only (unsigned)

  1. Configure and connect the MCU to the circuit

  2. First, check that every number, 0 to 9, can be displayed properly

  3. Then, create a code that increases the displayed number from 0 to 9 with each button press.

    • After the number '9', it should start from '0' again.


Configure the MCU

Digital In for Button (B1)
Digital Out for 7-Segment

Digital In

Digital Out


PA5, PA6, PA7, PB6, PC7, PA9, PA8, PB10 ('a'~'h', respectively)


Push-Pull, No Pull-up-Pull-down, Medium Speed


Your code goes here: ADD Code LINK such as github

Explain your source code with the necessary comments.


Connection Diagram

Circuit diagram

You need to include the circuit diagram


Experiment images and results

Show experiment images /results

Add demo video link


Analyze the result and explain any other necessary discussion.


Complete list of all references used (github, blog, paper, etc)


(Option) You can write Troubleshooting section

Last updated

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