Exercise: Version Control and Documentation

Exercise 1: Version Control

  1. Create a private repository for numerical method

    • Example: NumericalProg

  2. Create folders within the repository as instructed in the

3. Maintain your library source filesmyNM.h, myNM.cpp and myMatrix.h, myMatrix.cpp in the ‘\include’ folder only

There should be only 1 copy of your header/lib files in local drive. Include this folder path to include these files in other program projects.

TA Session video

Exercise 2: Lib Documentation

1. Create your API(numerical library) documentation for all the functions you have created in class. You should use markdown .

2. Upload your documentation file in your github repository.

example: /NumericalProg/docs/NM_API_Documentation.md

3. You may need to add the hyperlink of API documentation in ' /docs/readme.md '

4. You will use this documentation for as the reference material in the lecture and tests.

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