Debugging in uVision


In this tutorial, we will learn how to use uVision for debugging firmware programming.


  • Open your previous tutorial project or can create a new project.

  • You can also copy the given example "TU_uVision_Debugging.c" source code here

  • You will learn how to use debugging mode to check how the registers change

#include "stm32f4xx.h"
#define LED_PIN    5		//LD2
#define BUTTON_PIN 13

void RCC_HSI_init(void);   							//defined in ecRcc.h
void RCC_GPIOA_enable(void);
void RCC_GPIOC_enable(void);

int main(void) {	
	/* Part 1. RCC GPIOA Register Setting */
	/* Part 2. GPIO Register Setting for OUTPUT*/			
		// GPIO Mode Register
		GPIOA->MODER &= ~(3UL<<(2*LED_PIN)); // Clear '00' for Pin 5
		GPIOA->MODER |=   1UL<<(2*LED_PIN);  // Set '01' for Pin 5
		// GPIO Output Type Register  
		GPIOA->OTYPER &= ~(1UL<<LED_PIN);   	// 0:Push-Pull   
		// GPIO Pull-Up/Pull-Down Register 
		GPIOA->PUPDR  &= ~(3UL<<(2*LED_PIN)); // 00: none
		// GPIO Output Speed Register 
		GPIOA->OSPEEDR &= ~(3UL<<(2*LED_PIN));
		GPIOA->OSPEEDR |=   2UL<<(2*LED_PIN);  //10:Fast Speed
	/* Part 3. GPIO Register Setting for INPUT*/			
		// GPIO Mode Register
		GPIOC->MODER &= ~(3UL<<(2*BUTTON_PIN)); // 00: Input	 		
		// GPIO Pull-Up/Pull-Down Register 
		GPIOC->PUPDR &= ~(3UL<<(2*BUTTON_PIN)); 
		GPIOC->PUPDR  |= 2UL<<(2*BUTTON_PIN); 	// 10: Pull-down		    
	/* Part 4. Deal loop  */	
			unsigned int btVal=0;
			//Read bit value of Button
			btVal=(GPIOC->IDR) & (1UL << BUTTON_PIN);	
			if(btVal == 0)
				GPIOA->ODR |= (1UL << LED_PIN);	 		
				GPIOA->ODR &= ~(1UL << LED_PIN); 

void RCC_GPIOA_enable()
		// HSI is used as system clock         
		// RCC Peripheral Clock for GPIO_A Enable 

void RCC_GPIOC_enable()
		// HSI is used as system clock         
		// RCC Peripheral Clock for GPIO_A Enable 

void RCC_HSI_init() {
	// Enable High Speed Internal Clock (HSI = 16 MHz)
  RCC->CR |= ((uint32_t)RCC_CR_HSION);

  // wait until HSI is ready
  while ( (RCC->CR & (uint32_t) RCC_CR_HSIRDY) == 0 ) {;}
  // Select HSI as system clock source 
  RCC->CFGR &= (uint32_t)(~RCC_CFGR_SW); 									
  RCC->CFGR |= (uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_SW_HSI; 				
	// Wait till HSI is used as system clock source
  while ((RCC->CFGR & (uint32_t)RCC_CFGR_SWS) != 0 ); 

Software vs Hardware Debug

  • There are two methods to debug your program: software debug and hardware debug.

    • Software Debug: you do not need to connect the MCU to PC to debug a software program.

    • Hardware Debug: MCU board must be connected to the computer.

  • For this tutorial, we will use Hardware Debugging.

Debug Control

Compile, Debug, and Run

  • STM32 allows up to six breakpoints during hardware debugging. When a program stops at a breakpoint, the corresponding instruction has not been executed yet.

  • You can choose either debugging assembly code or C-code line by choosing the disassembly or source window in focus.

  • Control buttons of debugging

    • Run (F5): Continues the execution from the current position until you click Stop or the program is paused by a breakpoint.

    • Step In (F11): Execute one step and enter the function if the current step calls a function.

    • Step Out (Ctrl + F11): Execute until the current function returns.

    • Step Over (F10): Execute one step and run the function all at once if the current step calls a function.

Pheripheral Registers

  • Choose the menu: Peripherals ⟶ System Viewer

  • View and update the control and data registers of all available peripherals

  • Check Registers for GPIO Port A (PA5 for LED).

  • Check the value of Output Data Register (ODR) ODR5 and LED status

  • Check and uncheck ODR5 with mouse click and see how LED turns on/off

  • Check Registers for GPIO Port C (PC_13 for Button B1).

  • Check the value of Input Data Register (IDR) IDR13

  • Keep pressing ‘F10’ while B1 button is pressing and unpressing. Check the value of IDR13.

  • Now, check other peripheral registers such as RCC.

Processor Registers

Core Registers

  • Program counter (PC) r15 holds the memory address (location in memory) of the next instruction to be fetched from the instruction memory.

  • Stack point (SP) r13 holds a memory address that points to the top of the stack. SP is a shadow of either MSP or PSP.

  • xPSR (Special-purpose program status registers) is a combination of the following three processor status registers:

    • Application PSR

    • Interrupt PSR

    • Execution PSR



Negative or less than flag (1 = result negative)


Zero flag (1 = result 0)


Carry or borrow flag (1 = Carry true or borrow false)


Overflow flag (1 = overflow)


Q Sticky saturation flag


Thumb state bit


If-Then bits


ISR Number (6 bits)

Last updated

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